In the middle of 2021, MATSEN CHEMIE AG acquired a three-hectare piece of forest near Hamburg, in the midst of agricultural fields. The MATSEN Foundation will support the company in the sustainable development of the area in the coming years. We are supported here by experienced forest ecologists and forest scientists from the Naturwald Akademie in Lübeck.
The aim is to develop a natural forest, i.e. to leave the forest to its own devices as much as possible. Biodiversity stands or falls with dying and dead trees, which is why fallen trees will remain in the forest in the future - an important livelihood for many plants and animals and thus for more biodiversity.
In the midst of large corn fields, the small forest offers an important retreat for a large number of local wild animals. However, this also has the consequence that the young shoots of regrowing trees are immediately eaten away, especially by the local red deer. In order to preserve the forest as such in the long term, the young trees must be preserved. Supported trees can in future form natural barriers to prevent game browsing. In order to accelerate the process of forest regeneration, we will protect small areas of the forest one after the other with wild fences. As soon as the young trees are large enough, the gates are relocated, making it easier for a new generation of trees to start.
Since the forest is one of the few places of retreat for wild animals as soon as the surrounding fields have been harvested, only small parts of the area are always secured with wild fences.
The photos (Copyright ©) are used with the kind permission of the Naturwald Akademie
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