The "MATSEN STIFTUNG" is a trustee foundation administered by JESCHKE Treuhandgesellschaft mbH and is consequently represented by it in legal and business transactions.
c/o JESCHKE Treuhandgesellschaft mbH
Bramfelder Straße 115
D-22305 Hamburg
phone: +49 (0)40 | 22 86 08 340
mail: kontakt@jeschke-treuhand.de
phone: +49 (0)40 | 650 555 940 (Mo. - Fr. 08:30am - 06:00pm)
mail: info@matsen-stiftung.de
Contact person
Foundation Board & Chairperson of the Foundation Board: Jan Hansen | vorstand@matsen-stiftung.de
Deputy Chairperson of the Foundation Board: Marc Jeschke | stiftungsrat@matsen-stiftung.de
Member of the Foundation Board: Tim Peters | stiftungsrat@matsen-stiftung.de
Bank details
The MATSEN STIFTUNG is an unincorporated foundation, it is managed in trust by JESCHKE Treuhandgesellschaft mbH.
Account information
Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1032 2733 00
Competent supervision
Tax Office Hamburg-Nord
Tax number: 17/426/04019
Responsible for content in accordance with Art. 55. 2 RStV (German Broadcasting Agreement)
Jan Hansen
Technical realisation
The MATSEN STIFTUNG is also represented here
Exemption notice
The MATSEN STIFTUNG, c/o JESCHKE Treuhandgesellschaft mbH, Droopweg 31 | 20537 Hamburg, is exempt from corporation tax and trade tax after the last notification it received on 20 April 2020 from the Hamburg North Tax Office, since the foundation serves exclusively and directly tax-privileged, charitable and non-profit purposes. The grants are used solely to promote measures and projects that serve the purpose of the foundation.
You can download the confirmation of the exemption from corporate and trade tax here.
Image credits
The images used come from various sources. The image credits of the pictures used from open databases are noted below.
Freepik: teksomolika, Danmir12, Jay Mantri
Bergwaldprojekt e.V.
All information, documents, articles and photographs on this website are protected by copyright. Any further use requires the express approval of the MATSEN STIFTUNG.
Liability: Although we monitor content carefully, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked sites are exclusively responsible for their content.